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Forcing (Two Way) Stayman - In response to opener's 1 Notrump bid, some players call 2C as a non-forcing Stayman and 2D as a Forcing Stayman (also known as Doublebarrel Stayman).  This treatment has found some popularity with players who open with a Weak Notrump bid, such as 10 - 12 points (where transfer bids do not apply):

1N - 2C;
2D - 2S

A combination of the Non-Forcing and Game-Forcing Stayman.  After partner opens 1 Notrump, response meanings are:

Responder Bid

Typical Meaning

2 Clubs

Non-Forcing Stayman (Invitational values unless showing a "Garbage" Stayman)

   Opener Rebids

2 Diamonds

No 4-card major

2 Hearts

4 Hearts (could also have 4 Spades)

2 Spades

4 Spades

Responder Bid

Typical Meaning

2 Diamonds

Forcing Stayman (game complement values)

  Opener Rebids

2 Hearts

4 Hearts (could also have 4 Spades)

2 Spades

4 Spades

2 Notrump

No 4-card Major

3 Clubs

5 Clubs

3 Diamonds

5 Diamonds

Also see Stayman conventions and books on Stayman

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