
Novice Signup Now!
Freebie for those needing a taste test
Newcomer and Novice - for entry level and emerging players (see
Encyclopedia and
Training for examples).
At an introductory price of $25 per hour, this service often answers normal questions within 5
Click here for payment
instructions and options
After your order is processed, please send your Questions directly to
For serious prospective customers, after
submitting a brief marketing survey you may send one
question directly to
Novices@BridgeHands.com - BridgeHands will EMAIL you an
complementary response. We look forward to your business.


Signup Now!
Freebie for those needing a taste test
and Advanced - for competitive and tourney players (see
Encyclopedia and
Training for examples).
At an introductory price of $35 per hour, this premium service provides in-depth analysis often with
specific references (books, website links, EMAIL attachments, simulation
results). Comprehensive responses may require 5-10 minutes but never
consuming more than 15 minutes.
Click here for payment
instructions and options
After your order is processed, please send your Questions directly to
Advanced@BridgeHands.com For serious prospective customers,
submitting a brief marketing survey, you
may send one question directly to
Advanced@BridgeHands.com -
BridgeHands will EMAIL you an complimentary response. We look
forward to your business.