LAW 72
 The result of each deal played
is recorded in points, which fall into two classes:
 1. Trick Points. Only
declarer's side can earn trick points, and only by winning at least
the number of odd tricks specified in the contract. Only the value of
odd tricks named in the contract may be scored as trick points (see
Law 81). Trick points mark the progression of the
rubber toward its completion.
 2. Premium Points. Either
side or both sides may earn premium points. Declarer's side earns
premium points by winning one or more overtricks; by fulfilling a
doubled or redoubled contract; by bidding and making a slam; by
holding scorable honors in declarer's or dummy's hand; or by winning
the final game of a rubber. * The defenders
earn premium points by defeating the contract (undertrick penalty) or
by holding scorable honors in either of their hands (see
Law 81).
 Each side's premium points are
added to its trick points at the conclusion of the rubber.
* For incomplete rubber, see
Law 80.
LAW 73
 The basic units of trick points
are partscore and game. A partscore is recorded for declarer's side
whenever declarer fulfills a contract for which the trick points are
less than 100 points. Game is won by that side which is the first to
have scored 100 or more trick points either in a single deal or by
addition of two or more partscores made separately. No partscore made
by either side in the course of one game is carried forward into the
next game.
LAW 74
 A rubber ends when a side has
won two games, At the conclusion of the rubber, the winners of two
games are credited with a premium score of 500 points if the other
side has won one game or with 700 points if the other side has not won
a game. The trick and premium points scored by each side in the course
of the rubber are then added. The side with the larger combined total
wins the rubber, and the difference between the two totals represents
the margin of victory computed in points.
LAW 75
 The score of each deal must be
recorded, and it is preferable that a member of each side should keep
 Scores are entered in two
adjacent columns separated by a vertical line. Each scorer enters
points earned by his side in the left-hand column, and points earned
by his opponents in the right-hand column.
 Each side has a trick point
score and a premium point score, separated by a horizontal line
intersecting the vertical line. All trick point scores are entered, as
they are earned, in descending order below the horizontal line (below
the line), all premium point scores in ascending order above the line.
 Whenever a game is won, another
horizontal line is drawn under all trick point scores recorded for
either side, in order to mark completion of the game. Subsequent trick
point scores are entered below that line.
LAW 76
 When the play of a deal is
completed, all four players are equally responsible for ascertaining
that the number of tricks won by each side is correctly determined and
that all scores are promptly and correctly entered.
LAW 77
 A trick transferred through a
revoke penalty is reckoned for all scoring purposes as though it had
been won in play by the side to which it had been awarded. *
* Declarer plays in 3 
and takes eight tricks. A revoke by a defender is found to have been
established, with the penalty determined to be two tricks. Two tricks
are transferred from the offenders to declarer, who therefore has 10
tricks. Since he bid only 3  , he scores 90
trick points, which count toward game, and 30 premium points for the
LAW 78
 When it is acknowledged by a
majority of the players that a scoring error was made in recording an
agreed-upon result (e.g., failure to enter honors, or incorrect
computation of score), the error must be corrected if discovered
before the net score of the rubber has been agreed to. However, except
with the consent of all four players, an erroneous agreement as to the
number of tricks won by each side may not be corrected after all
players have called on the next deal.
 In case of disagreement between
two scores kept, the recollection of the majority of the players as to
the facts governs.
LAW 79
 Scores recorded for deals played
with an incorrect pack are not subject to change by reason of the
discovery of the imperfection after the cards have been mixed
LAW 80
 When, for any reason, a rubber
is not finished, the score is computed as follows:
 If only one game has been
completed, the winners of that game are credited with 300 points; if
only one side has a partscore or partscores in a game not completed,
that side is credited with 100 points; the trick and premium points of
each side are then added, and the side with the greater number of
points wins the difference between the two totals.