Dear Bridge
Wait a minute,
isn't it supposed to be trick OR treat?
Nope, not here at our
BridgeHands website! Over the
years Bridge players have come to us for our
Bridge Encyclopedia, Book Review, free
eMagazine Newsletters, audio interviews of
Bridge pros and
occasionally our Bridge blog. Well,
with all the buzz about the Internet going
"2.0" (social media stuff), we figured its
high time for us to enter the 2.0
generation, too. (Click
here for PDF printout)
Smell like a Monster
Trick *AND* Treat
We have
overhauled our Bridge blog and are committed
to making it the most active area of our
website. Sure, we will still feature all of
our usual areas you've found helpful over
the years.
Yet our "new
and improved" Bridge blog is beginning to
have lots of new content coming every week -
information that's clear, crisp, and
concise. Content discussing Bridge
instruction, Bridge news and more.
In addition to
the rapid pace of blog posts, another key
benefit is the ability for YOU to submit
comment. Ongoing feedback is a critical
element for continuous quality improvement
and we value your advise and counsel. Well
okay, we don't
always seek feedback at the
Bridge table but that's another matter, eh?
For more on our BridgeBlog, please see our
Help category.
These days the
buzz is "Internet 2.0" While the technology
hasn't really changed, social networks have
made significant inroads with those who
value interactions within their community,
business, or area of interest. Not to be
left behind, we're doing our part to ensure
BridgeHands joins
the party. Our FaceBook fan page is under
construction and will be launched shortly.
Back to our blog, you'll notice on the right
side of our blog we've added our recent
"tweet" messages - those ultra-short one or
two line Twitter messages highlighting the
latest here and there. Our Twitter messages
typically have a link you can click for more
detailed information. If you're already
into Twitter or simply want to directly see
our Twitter channel, please go to:
Speaking of
channels, we also have one on YouTube, the
hot spot on the internet for social video.
Our YouTube channel is:
Still looking
for more? Okay, speaking of video,
BridgeHands is finally delivering on the
promise to go beyond audio and begin
broadcasting video Bridge instructions! In
the coming months you'll see Bridge videos
pop up on our regular website. Better yet,
online videos are already beginning to show
up on our Bridgeblog. So over on YouTube we
will be adding highlights of our video
content, with full videos on our
BridgeHands website
and blog. Here's a few recent posts with
video that includes our analysis of the 5th
World University Bridge Championship held in
Chinese Taipei:
And if you
have a moment for a laugh, please see
the Sesame Street parody on the Old
Spice man here:
Finally, BridgeHands
has added a membership
subscription area to our Bridge
blog. No, this doesn't mean
you'll have to pay to see most
of our content - we will keep
our word to continue
delivering more free content.
In fact, we have an option for
you to signup for a FREE
membership subscription that
will allow you to view video and
other content not available to
web viewers at large. As
always, we promise to maintain
our privacy policy with your
EMAIL address.
BridgeHands will
not send
you spam, nor will we ever sell
our private mailing lists to
others. Another benefit of the
free membership subscription
follows along the same line of
our free eMagazine newsletter -
you will be on our EMAIL
distribution list and will
frequently receive short
messages that highlight our
recent posts. If you're like
us, you've really come to
appreciate short notes via EMAIL
to nudge you with worthwhile
We would be delighted to have
you and your Bridge friends
signup for our free membership
subscriptions right now! Just
click the link and enter your
EMAIL address, ID/user name and
private password:
But if free subscriptions are
not your thing or you need some
time to think it over, there's
yet another options for you -
whew! We have incorporated a
Google Feedburner notification
program that automatically
EMAILs you a daily digest with
our recent blog posts.
Once you have signed up for our
free or paid membership
subscriptions, we will begin
sending you our custom tailored
EMAIL updates. So there's no
critical need to also signup for
the Feedburner notification.
But if you stil want the
mechanized feed, feel free to
use both.
Incidentally, if one of your
friends decides to signup for
our membership subscription (click
here), we will automatically
sign them up for both the
Newcomer-Novice and
Intermediate-Advanced eMagazine
newsletter (they can always
modify their subscription
listing to suit their needs).
Unfortunately, the reverse is
not true. Since your membership
subscription requires you to
provide a unique ID name and
password, you will need to
personally signup for your own
Once we start delivering
significant volumes of
high-value videos and are ready
to begin offering paid content,
we will EMAIL you with further
details. In the interim,
we hope you will find your free
membership enjoyable and
consider upgrading to our
Premium or ULTRA membership
plan when they are offered.
While our major website overhaul has been
"behind the scenes" in the making for well
over a year, we realize that our eMagazine
newsletters have been on a hiatus for far
too long. We apologize for the lapse and
are happy to announce that we can continue
to provide you with the fresh content you
have been seeking. Better yet, with our new
bells and whistles we hope you'll agree its
been worth the wait with lots of good
content in the pipeline and on its way!
Happy Trails,

Don't wait! Signup
today for our FREE membership subscription at
BridgeHands. Here's
your opportunity to view value-added videos and
other content not available to the general web
viewers. And we will EMAIL you in real time
with highlights to our active Bridgeblog. It's
as simple as clicking here and entering your
EMAIL address, a user name and private password
- see you on the other side!
Warm Regards,
Michael Nistler |