Books: BridgeHands
book reviews are organized by sorted indexes organized by various criteria
linked to individual bridge book detail pages.
Individual Book Details:
Name: If the book
contains multiple components as "To Bid Or Not To Bid, The Law Of Total
Tricks", the book name usually has two listing: one beginning with "To
Bid Or Not To Bid:...", the other reversed "Law Of Total Tricks,
The:..." (book indexes do not begin with "The").
Author: The
author name are "Last, First", with multiple author names.
If applicable, acknowledgement is given to Amazon Book best sellers and
"book of the year" award by the American Bridge Teachers Association.
Target Audience:
Newcomer =
A great place to start. The Newcomer module is designed for entry
level players learning the basic fundamentals of Bridge.
Basic mechanics and strategy of
the Rubber Bridge game
Basic hand evaluation
Bidding fundamentals without competition
Declarer and defender play fundamentals
Moves beyond fundamentals. The Novice module offers emerging players
insights to improve their technique and tools to enhance partnership
Appreciation of the Bridge
Emerging hand evaluation in the ecosystem
Bidding conventions and in the face of competition
Declarer strategies to take your tricks
Defender leads, signals, and strategies
Competitive players moving up. Intermediate players have been playing
Bridge for some time, perhaps having read a few Bridge books, read newspaper
columns, or have used a teacher to improve their skills. Intermediates
who play
Duplicate Bridge are at or
near the Life Master category.
Understanding the Bridge
Environmental Factors
Hand evaluation: Law of Total Tricks,
Losing Trick Count
Conventions to handle many everyday situations
Declarer techniques - take playing
tricks with thought and tools
Defender techniques - more on leads, signals, and strategies
Laws you should know: common infractions
Tournament-level and money Rubber Bridge players. Players at this
level really know their stuff. The Advanced player seeks new methods
to further improve bidding accuracy, handle difficult bidding scenarios, and
looks for new ways to squeeze out additional tricks.
Conventions to handle most every situation
Difficult play scenarios for the
declarer and defender
Count, Count, Count - points, honors and intermediates, suits
Make the Laws your friend
Understanding your partner
Having fun with Bridge jargon
Category: Books segmented by categories including:
Bidding (General)
Play (General)
Declarer (Play)
Defender (Play)
Number of pages & Recent
published date: self explanatory
Order Button:
Opportunity to place a book order - clicking on the picture of the book also
performs this function.
Synopsis: A high-level
description of the book's value proposition to the reader
Example from book: An
excerpt from the book, possibly including a narrative and bridge hand
What others say (Submit
your Review): An opportunity for readers to share constructive
information about a book
Book Detail
Book indexes typically are subsets of the overall
book database, segmented by common demographic areas of interest,
sorted alphabetically by book name (except author index).
The types of Indexes include:
Book Name
Newcomer =
Novice= Intermediate= Advanced=
Indexed book includes:
Book Name,
Book Author,
Target Audience
(bridge proficiency),
Category (bridge segment)