Auction - 1. The process of determining the contract by means
of successive calls. 2. The aggregate of calls made.
Bid - A declaration to win at least a specified number of odd
tricks in a specified denomination.
Call - Any bid, double, redouble or pass.
Contract - The undertaking by declarer's side to win, at the
denomination named, the number of odd tricks specified in the final
bid, whether undoubled, doubled or redoubled.
Deal - 1. The distribution of the pack to form the hands of the
four players. 2. The cards so distributed as a unit, including the
auction and play thereof.
Declarer - The player who, for the side that makes the final
bid, first bid the denomination named in that final bid. He becomes
declarer when a legal opening lead is made and the dummy is faced.
Defender - An opponent of declarer.
Denomination - The suit or notrump specified in a bid.
Double - A call over an opponent's bid increasing the scoring
value of fulfilled or defeated contracts (see
Law 19).
Dummy - 1. Declarer's partner. 2. Declarer's partner's cards,
once they are spread on the table after the opening lead.
Follow suit - Play a card of the suit that has been led.
Game - A unit in scoring denoting 100 or more trick points
scored on one deal, or accumulated over two or more deals (see Laws
72 &
Group - A number of players who have agreed to follow the same
Hand - The cards originally dealt to a player, or the remaining
portion thereof.
Honor - Any Ace, King, Queen, Jack or ten.
Irregularity - A deviation from the correct procedures set
forth in these Laws.
LHO - Left-hand opponent.
Lead - The first card played to a trick.
Odd trick - Each trick to be won by declarer's side in excess
of six.
Opening lead - The card led to the first trick.
Opponent - A member of the partnership to which one is opposed.
Overtrick - Each trick won by declarer's side in excess of the
Pack - The 52 playing cards with which the game of Contract
Bridge is played.
Partner - The player with whom one plays as a side against the
other two players.
Partscore - 90 or fewer trick points.
Pass - A call specifying that a player does not, at that turn,
elect to bid, double or redouble.
Penalty - An obligation or restriction imposed upon a side for
violations of these Laws.
Penalty card - A card prematurely exposed by a defender. It may
be a major or minor penalty card (see Law 50).
Play - 1. The contribution of a card from one's hand to a
trick, including the first card, which is the lead. 2. The aggregate
of plays made. 3. The period during which the cards are played,
starting immediately after the final pass.
RHO - Right-hand opponent.
Redeal - A second or subsequent deal to replace a faulty deal.
Redouble - A call over an opponent's double increasing the
scoring value of fulfilled or defeated contracts (see
Law 19).
Revoke - The play of a card of another suit by a player who is
able to follow suit or to comply with a lead penalty.
Rotation - The clockwise order in which the right to deal, to
call or to play progresses.
Rubber - The scoring period that ends when one side has scored
two games.
Side - Two players who constitute a partnership against the
other two players.
Slam - A contract to win 12 tricks (called Small Slam) or 13
tricks (called Grand Slam).
Suit - One of four groups of cards in the pack, each group
comprising 13 cards and having a characteristic symbol: spades (  ),
hearts (  ), diamonds (  ),
clubs (  ).
Trick - The unit by which the outcome of the contract is
determined, regularly consisting of four cards, one contributed by
each player in rotation, beginning with the lead.
Trump - Each card of the suit, if any, named in the contract.
Undertrick - Each trick by which declarer's side falls short of
fulfilling the contract.
Vulnerable - The status of a side that has won a game and is
therefore exposed to greater undertrick penalties and entitled to
greater premiums.