External Bridge Website Links
Also see Affiliated Services
for Web Cross-links
Bridge Clubs
Bridge Teachers
Eddie Kantar -
One of the best known Duplicate Bridge writers in the world. He has written some 25
Bridge books, some available in CD-Rom form, and is also a regular
contributor to the ACBL Bulletin, Bridge World, Bridge Today, and OKbridge.
A two-time World Champion, Eddie is highly regarded as a player, and up
until recently competed on the National level. He is known as one of Bridge's
great ambassadors.
Kate Buckman -
Acclaimed the "top Bridge Club in North America, 2005, by the ACBL", the
Toronto, Canada site offers a Bridge Club, Cruises and Trips, Books and
products, photo album and more. |
Ron Klinger - A
prolific Bridge author and professional duplicate Bridge tournament player, Ron writes two
separate weekly newspaper columns and is constantly involved in trying to
meet a deadline for some new book, teaching bridge and organising bridge
holidays. Ron has written dozens of books on bridge the game,
cardplay and bidding. There is something for everyone with topics ranging
from Bridge for Children, right through to highly advanced topics.
Ron's website now offers subscription-based online Bridge lessons for the
aspiring duplicate Bridge and serious Contract Rubber Bridge player.
You will also find columns on breaking news, player problems, conventions,
daily problems, humor, Bridge bidding and play and even an online store to
purchase Bridge books, DVDs, Bridge software, and resources for the Bridge