Yahoo Games - Yahoo!
Games is a collection of free, Java-based games on the Web. Some of the
games are multi-player games and can be played with anyone connected to the
Internet, while other games are single player. All games require only a
Java-enabled browser -- we recommend Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 4 or
newer -- and a Yahoo! ID.
Yahoo Games online Bridge website focuses on play for social contract rubber
Bridge players looking for a good time.
Yahoo Games Message Board - Message boards allow members to
participate in on-going, in-depth discussions. As opposed to a "chat" --
where conversations are brief, visible only to current participants, and
disappear after a few moments -- message board posts are longer and remain
visible (as well as browseable and searchable), allowing richer exchanges to
take place. Lively message board communities are a great place to debate
issues, find advice, and make new friends.