Quantitative Notrump Slam Bid - A unique invitational bid that asks the partner to
evaluate the aggregate strength of their hand. For instance, in the
auction 1N - 4N, the opener is asked to bid slam with a maximum 1 Notrump
opening hand or pass with a minimum hand. Quantitative Notrump bidding
assumes players would use traditional slam conventional treatments like
Gerber to ask partner the number of Aces. Players should have a clear
understanding on what does and does not constitute a trump agreement.
Quantitative Slam Try Bidding - Part 1
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General Rule:
accept a Quantitative invitation in any strain, the inviter is anticipated
to be aggressive. Thus, the acceptor should have maximum values,
accepting slam from a conservative perspective.
Advanced Treatment: Some
partnerships utilize a two-way slam acceptance after partner's Quantitative
slam try:
1. Bid 6 Notrump directly
with spread values
2. Respond with a 5 level
bid of responder's good 4+ card non-disclosed suit, showing partner a
willingness to play slam in that minor with a possible fit.
Typical Quantitative
1N - 4N;
Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good
1N - 4C; Gerber,
Ace asking
2N - 4N; Quantitative,
partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values
2N - 4C; Gerber,
Ace asking
1N - 2D/H; Jacoby
Transfer to Hearts/Spades, instead of 4D/H Texas
2H/S - 4N; Quantitative,
partner passes or bids on with extras values/length
1N - 4D/H; Texas
4H/S - 4N; Blackwood variant, assuming players agree above is
3N - 4C;
Typically Stayman; some play 4N is Blackwood Ace asking while others
play a Club jump to 5C is Gerber Ace asking (Super Gerber)
2C - 2D;
3N - 4N; Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or
6N with good values
2C - 2D;
Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or
6N with good values
1C - 1S;
2D - 3C; Opener reverses, showing 17+ points. No fit for
3N - 4N; Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or
6N with good values
1C - 1S;
2D - 3C; Opener reverses, showing 17+ points. No fit for
3N - 4C/5C; Some play 4C is Gerber, others play Super
Gerber requiring 5C
1N - 2C;
2H - 4N; Quantitative, by definition
1N - 2C;
2H - 4C; Gerber, by definition
1m - 4N;
Ambiguous, some play as Blackwood, others as Quantitative
1M - 4N;
Blackwood, Ace asking
1x - 1y;
1N - 4N; Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good
1m - 1M;
2N - 4N; Many play as Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with
values; others play as Blackwood
1m - 1M;
2N - 4C; Gerber, Ace asking
1M - 2m;
2N - 4N; Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good
1M - 2m;
2N - 4C; Gerber, Ace asking
1N - 2C;
2D - 4N; Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good
a 5N Quantitative slam try also applicable asking partner to bid
7N (Grandslam) with extra values or 6N with lessor values.
Contrast this with the 5 Notrump "Pick
a Slam" convention.
see books on
Slam and other slam conventions:
Baby Blackwood,
Blackwood, Controls,
Exclusion Blackwood/Voidwood,
Grand Slam Force,
Jacoby 2 Notrump,
Key Card Blackwood,
Last Train, NAMYATS,
Pick a Slam,
Quantitative Notrump Bid,
Rolling Blackwood,
Serious 3 Notrump,
Slam Try - Stayman,
Jump Shift,
Strong Jump Shift, and legacy treatments as
Roman Asking Bids,
Roman Blackwood,
Roman Gerber. Slam
also include interference of
an overcall by opponents, as
Negative Slam Double,