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Quantitative Notrump Slam Bid - A unique invitational bid that asks the partner to evaluate the aggregate strength of their hand.  For instance, in the auction 1N - 4N, the opener is asked to bid slam with a maximum 1 Notrump opening hand or pass with a minimum hand.  Quantitative Notrump bidding assumes players would use traditional slam conventional treatments like Gerber to ask partner the number of Aces.  Players should have a clear understanding on what does and does not constitute a trump agreement.

Quantitative Slam Try Bidding - Part 1
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General Rule: To accept a Quantitative invitation in any strain, the inviter is anticipated to be aggressive.  Thus, the acceptor should have maximum values, accepting slam from a conservative perspective.

Advanced Treatment: Some partnerships utilize a two-way slam acceptance after partner's Quantitative slam try:

1. Bid 6 Notrump directly with spread values

2. Respond with a 5 level bid of responder's good 4+ card non-disclosed suit, showing partner a willingness to play slam in that minor with a possible fit.

Typical Quantitative examples:

1N - 4N;  Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values

1N - 4C;  Gerber, Ace asking

2N - 4N; Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values

2N - 4C;  Gerber, Ace asking

1N - 2D/H;  Jacoby Transfer to Hearts/Spades, instead of 4D/H Texas
2H/S - 4N;  Quantitative, partner passes or bids on with extras values/length

1N - 4D/H;  Texas Transfer
4H/S - 4N;  Blackwood variant, assuming players agree above is Quantitative

3N - 4C;  Typically Stayman; some play 4N is Blackwood Ace asking while others play a Club jump to 5C is Gerber Ace asking (Super Gerber)

2C - 2D;
3N - 4N;
  Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values

2C - 2D;
Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values

1C - 1S;
2D - 3C;
  Opener reverses, showing 17+ points. No fit for partnership.
3N - 4N; 
Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values

1C - 1S;
2D - 3C;
  Opener reverses, showing 17+ points. No fit for partnership.
3N - 4C/5C;
  Some play 4C is Gerber, others play Super Gerber requiring 5C

1N - 2C;
2H - 4N;
  Quantitative, by definition

1N - 2C;
2H - 4C;
  Gerber, by definition

1m - 4N;  Ambiguous, some play as Blackwood, others as Quantitative

1M - 4N;  Blackwood, Ace asking

1x - 1y;
1N - 4N;
  Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values

1m - 1M;
2N - 4N;  
Many play as Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with
              good values; others play as Blackwood

1m - 1M;
2N - 4C;
  Gerber, Ace asking

1M - 2m;
2N - 4N;
  Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values

1M - 2m;
2N - 4C;
  Gerber, Ace asking

1N - 2C;
2D - 4N;
  Quantitative, partner passes with a minimum or 6N with good values

Incidentally, a 5N Quantitative slam try also applicable asking partner to bid 7N (Grandslam) with extra values or 6N with lessor values.  Contrast this with the 5 Notrump "Pick a Slam" convention.

Also see books on Slam and other slam conventions: 1430, Baby Blackwood, Blackwood, Controls, Exclusion Blackwood/Voidwood, Gerber, Grand Slam Force, Jacoby 2 Notrump, Key Card Blackwood, Kickback, Last Train,  NAMYATS, Pick a Slam, Quantitative Notrump Bid, Rolling Blackwood, Serious 3 Notrump, Slam Try - Stayman, Splinters, Opener Jump Shift, Strong Jump Shift, and legacy treatments as Roman Asking Bids, Roman BlackwoodRoman Gerber.  Slam treatments also include interference of an overcall by opponents, as Negative Slam Double, DOPI, DEPO, ROPI.

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